#How to copy character wow legion ptr Patch
The 8.0 patch certainly is of mighty interest though, as we get first glimpse of what is to come for Legion gold-making in Battle for Azeroth. We will see all the profession system changes, along with the enabling of War Mode which will retire the idea of PvP-specific servers. In patch 8.0 we'll see only two server-types in the realm selection list, normal and RP. This is great news for farmers on previously designated PvP servers! Everyone will have equal access to the world PvP system if they desire.
#How to copy character wow legion ptr plus
There has also been rife speculation, worries, hopes and bets on whether or not Blood of Sargeras would become BoE or BoA, plus whether gold missions would remain in the class order halls. So far, we're still not 100% sure, things can still change. However from the latest beta builds /u/wronnyd shared some initial findings after using character copy. Legion WQs still offer the usual amount of OR.Argus WQ unlocks seem bugged on copied characters on beta (Korkrun has fewer and Mac'Aree has no WQs available).Legion Artifact Power Items, including those from OH Missions, are now grey items that can be sold for a low amount of gold.Blood of Sargeras & Primal Sargerite do still bind on pickup.I've had 2 Missions that award toys ( Win the Crowd and Glittering Treasure) show up on beta, that I hadn't seen on live.īoS Missions are as costly on beta as they are on live.Across the 11 characters I've copied over, none of them had a gold mission available on beta (yet).The second-to-last point doesn't sound too surprising to me, the developers have often said they don't want to give any kind of feeling of necessity to go back to old content as a part of casual gold-making routines. Just like the removed the gold missions in Draenor at the garrison, and maybe to a lesser extent the nerf to revenue from clearing Cataclysm raids - I fully expect the gold missions to be removed or altered to no longer give gold at the very least as we head in to patch 8.0 and the lead up to Battle for Azeroth.